Healthy Hero Leads Package

Rs. 10,920
Rs. 14,560

About the Package

Invest in your well-being with our Healthy Hero Lead Package, uniquely tailored to support early disease detection and prevention for proactive individuals prioritizing their health.

Available in Jawalakhel Branch Only.


Tests included: 15 Tests
Uric acid
Vitamin D
Vitamin B12
Fasting Blood Glucose
Lipid Profile
Kidney Function Test
Liver Function Test
Thyroid Screening (TSH)
Glucose Fasting
Urine Routine
Ultrasound (USG) Abdomen
Physician Consultation
Related Keywords
Blood Lead Level Lead screening
Inquire about Healthy Hero Leads Package

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More about Tests

Learn more about laboratory testing

Test Preparation

2 to 3 days of regular diet and 8 to 12 hours fasting before the test. Plain water should should be taken for ultrasound. 

Limited Offer: July 1st to August 31st

Ideal time for Test: 7am to 9am